OpenSmartHomes Advantages

Simplified Installation

Using wireleass technologies, together with a stable Wifi with a proper coverage, the amount of cabling is reduced dramatically, allowing a faster installation without impacting other areas.

Flexible Technologies

Thanks to the openness of the solution, there are infinite configuration possibilities, allowing greater flexibility in the installation and better adaptation to the common changes on every house reform. Together with the small size of the components it allows a relocation or change with a minimum impact on the work schedule.

Reduced total costs

Thanks to the reduced complexity and the multi vendor options it allows to reduce costs compared with the traditional Home Automation solutions, giving more functionality for much less.

Vendor Independency

Thanks to the single interface, the solution is vendor independent, allowing to mix and match devices from different providers. If on the installation phase there is a shortage from a vendor, we can look for alternatives to be able to finish the works in time.

Remote support after installation

We include the first year remote support on the instalation. If something is not working as intended or it is neccessary to reconfigure the devices we will do it in a remote fashion. In case of device failure or malfunction we will go onsite to make the device repairs or changes. If new devices are needed and are supported by tyhe solutions, we will help the owners to add and configurate them. This service can be extended in a yearly fashion under owner approval.
